Dedicated Hosting

Maximize Your Resources with Fully-Managed Dedicated Server Hosting

Unmatched Power, Exclusive Performance, Total Control.

Money-Back Guaranteed

If your website is slow or down then you losing customers.

Hosting Access Control

If your website is slow or down then you losing customers.

Root Access

If your website is slow or down then you losing customers.

Compare Hostie Dedicated Hosting Plans

20% save

Standard 4 Intel Xeon 4-Core 8-Thread 4 GB 1 TB HDD $$167.00/mo Sign Up
Standard 8 Intel Xeon 4-Core 8-Thread 8 GB 1 TB HDD $$199.00/mo Sign Up
Standard 16 Intel Xeon 12-Core 24-Thread 16 GB 2 TB HDD $$399.00/mo Sign Up
Enhanced 32 Intel Xeon 12-Core 24-Thread 32 GB 2 TB HDD $$499.00/mo Sign Up
Enhanced 64 Intel Xeon 12-Core 24-Thread 64 GB 2 TB HDD $$599.00/mo Sign Up
Enhanced SSD 16 Intel Xeon 12-Core 24-Thread 16 GB 240 GB SSD $$299.00/mo Sign Up
Enhanced SSD 64 Intel Xeon 12-Core 24-Thread 64 GB 240 GB SSD $$399.00/mo Sign Up
Standard 4 Intel Xeon 4-Core 8-Thread 4 GB 1 TB HDD $$399.00/yr Sign Up
Standard 8 Intel Xeon 4-Core 8-Thread 8 GB 1 TB HDD $$499.00/yr Sign Up
Standard 16 Intel Xeon 12-Core 24-Thread 16 GB 2 TB HDD $$599.00/yr Sign Up
Enhanced 32 Intel Xeon 12-Core 24-Thread 32 GB 2 TB HDD $$699.00/yr Sign Up
Enhanced 64 Intel Xeon 12-Core 24-Thread 64 GB 2 TB HDD $$899.00/yr Sign Up
Enhanced SSD 16 Intel Xeon 12-Core 24-Thread 16 GB 240 GB SSD $$499.00/yr Sign Up
Enhanced SSD 64 Intel Xeon 12-Core 24-Thread 64 GB 240 GB SSD $$599.00/yr Sign Up

Dedicated Hosting Features Matter to Your Success

Extreme Performance

Dedicated servers from Dothost use the best hardware and software available to ensure and always fast.

  • Use your server resources how you want without having to share.

  • Use your server resources how you want without having to share.

  • Use your server resources how you want without having to share.

SEO Score




  • Hostie Mail

    Shared Unlimited hosting Plan Comes with unlimited Free Email addresses.

Intuitive Management

Dedicated servers from Dothost use the best hardware and software available to ensure and always fast.

  • Use your server resources how you want without having to share.

  • Use your server resources how you want without having to share.

  • Use your server resources how you want without having to share.

Included with Every Dedicated Hosting Plan

Own your virtual presence with the power of Hostie with 1.5 million websites already under our care,

Security, & Updates

If your website is slow or down then you losing customers.

RAM & storage

If your website is slow or down then you losing customers.

Quick & easy

If your website is slow or down then you losing customers.

Unlimited bandwidth

If your website is slow or down then you losing customers.

SSDs, email & SSL

If your website is slow or down then you losing customers.


If your website is slow or down then you losing customers.

Our Customers Feedback

We’re honored and humbled by the great feedback we receive from our customers on a daily basis.

Well, I find their customer service top notch, I got to lay complains directly with CEO and he even helped fix my projects 😊

Redemption Newton

First and foremost The Customer Service is too notch, Very accommodating and helpful, Makes you feel like a member of a family.

Business Owner

You guys are the best so far. I am happy I got to know about you guys now because I go use una till ever...

Onyeka Onah
Business Owner

Dothost has remained my best hosting company in Nigeria so far. Quick response, cheap and reliable hosting plans.

Duke Edmond
Digital Marketer

I'm very pleased by your A-rated customer service, friendly, formal and satisfactory. I'm glad I've got to know DotHost.

Russell George

Frequently asked questions

Yes! We offer 24/7 customer service. Should we have a break? We will surely notify you ahead via your registered email.

As long as you obey our terms of service, your website will be online at all time except when your domain or hosting is due for renewal. domains have a propagation time of 5-7 hours after purchase. Once propagation is completed, Website will surely come up online

Yes! We give free 5GB MTN data to any user that purchases an annual hosting plan with us. The data has an expiry of 30 days.

Yes! Provided your hosting or domain is still active, we can transfer your domain and hosting to DotHost without any cost.

Need help choosing a plan?

Need help? We're always here for you.